For step-by-step videos showing routine maintenance, proper care of VIQUA UV treatment systems, and more on UV water treatment for drinking water – visit our VIQUA YouTube channel.
Here are a few videos below that illustrate proper VIQUA system care and optimization.
Sterilight Lamp Replacement and Controller Reset
In this video, we demonstrate the steps to replace the lamp in your Viqua Sterilight system and how to reset the day counter for your system controller. If you are not sure which controller you have, the following image is an example of what the system controller in this video looks like:
UVMax – Lamp Replacement and Resetting the Day Counter– LCD Screen
In this video, we demonstrate the steps to replace the lamp in your Viqua UVMax system and how to reset the day counter for your system controller. If you are not sure which controller you have, the following image is an example of what the LCD controller in this video looks like:
UVMax – Lamp Replacement and Resetting the Day Counter– LED Controller
In this video, we demonstrate the steps to replace the lamp in your Viqua UVMax system and how to reset the day counter for your system controller. If you are not sure which controller you have, the following image is an example of what the LED controller in this video looks like:
UVMax – Sleeve Bolt Replacement
In this video we demonstrate how to install the lamp and quartz sleeve for a UVMax system with the newest sleeve bolt from Viqua.